It has been an extremely cold and long winter. Nonetheless, this issue will certainly give you a warm feeling when you read moving and inspiring topics from members of our community.

Our front cover story is dedicated to Heidi Vormer who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 21. Heidi’s story sheds some light on what a child and parents experience when autism is diagnosed.

Mother for Life;
Focused on “Behind Every Mother Is a Woman”

Youth in Politics; A group of Laval youth are sharing their views in politics.

Trottibus—The Walking School Bus Near You
Back in 2011, Souvenir Elementary jumped at the opportunity to offer the service to their community, encouraging community members and students within walking distance of their school to get a little extra exercise and fresh air.

LEARN is a non-profit educational organization whose mandate is to provide resources and services to the Quebec’s English community.

Memories of a Small Child; Victory in Europe Day, MAY 8, 1945.
It was the return of my daddy who I barely knew, as he had been called into the Canadian forces when I was just six months old.

A Wedding Tribute
A young couple decided on a charitable donation as their wedding favors instead of the traditional one. In lieu of a small gift to their guests, the couple offered a donation to the MCHF as a wedding tribute.

Summer Camp Guide;
Ten pages on various local summer camps.

Laval Families Fun Activities;
A list of after school and weekend fun activities for the whole family.

LFM Bloggers;
Bloggers share their knowledge on different topics.

  • Father John Walsh on Spirituality
  • Claudia Del Balso on Writing Tips for Aspiring Writers
  • Rosa and Patricia on Learning Difficulties
NEW; Rebates and Coupons for all kinds of services and products. Go to / and click on the Coupon button.

The Golden Touch – Operetta
Congratulations to Dimitris llias and Maria Diamantis and the Golden Touch teachers and students for the successful press conference. Over 200 students from the SWLSB performed in the International Operetta; The Golden Touch on February 19, 2015 with an astounding 1,000 attendees!
*Part of the Laval’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

Contest Page;
Register for our exclusive LFM contests that include;
Passion Soccer Boutique, Putting Edge, Centre Du Sablon, 4CATS, Club Enfants & Fiesta, TGV Photo-Photography Courses, English Experience Day, Vote for Your Favorite Teacher, and more.

Laval’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations;
All Laval residents are invited to attend the launch party of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the city of Laval!
Live entertainment in an outdoor festive atmosphere awaits you and your whole family.
For activity details go to our Laval Families Fun Activities section in every issue of LFM or visit our website or visit

Luigi Morabito