I first met Rosa (not her real name) when she came to DM’s Laval office for some advice. She told me her son ‘Adam’, loves going to school, and she loves to see the expression on his face when he’s getting ready in the morning; he’s so excited! But when she comes to pick him up at the end of the day, he’s not so happy. His teachers say he doesn’t have good ‘social skills’. They say he has a hard time waiting his turn or not getting what he wants. He doesn’t like to share, always wants to be first, and gets frustrated quickly; therefore, nobody wants to play with him and he doesn’t have many friends. This is not what Rosa wanted for Adam—she just wanted him to be happy.

Many of today’s youth struggle with social challenges. Some children struggle with social and emotional regulation and have much difficulty managing frustration. For these children, making and keeping friends can be the most difficult and painful aspect of being at school, and can create sadness, worry, or anxiety.

The one thing we all have in common is that we all want to belong and to be valued by our peers. The good news is social skills are sets of skills that can be taught! Social skills are the foundation for getting along with others and are a part of our everyday life. Whether it’s going to school, greeting a classmate, being part of a team or working on a class project, strong social skills are priceless.

Research has shown that social skills are the base for positive self-esteem; when children feel good about themselves, they are more willing to take positive risks — academically and socially.

One program that focuses on social skills is the “Incredible Years Programs”. It is a 3-pronged approach (i.e., support to students, parents, and educators). In the program for students, “Dina Dinosaur”* is designed to teach children emotional regulation, frustration tolerance, positive interaction and communication skills, problem-solving strategies, as well as team building. Through the use of interactive activities and games, the program promotes social and emotional competence for youth. Parents can also support their child’s learning by joining the “Incredible Years”*

Parent Training Program;
The parental component is an interactive strategy based program that is designed to prevent new problems, address current challenges and support parents in learning new skills to support their children’s healthy development. With the right knowledge and skills, parents are in the position to support their children in developing the social skills so necessary for success at home and school.

Sometimes having the opportunity to discuss challenges with other parents who have similar struggles can be invaluable. Contact DM for more information. Together we can make a difference!

Sincerely, DM Family Services

*Based on Incredible Years Programs.



“Whether it’s going to school, greeting a classmate, being part of a team or working on a class project, strong social skills are priceless. DM’S SOCIAL SKILLS GROUPS CAN HELP.”