Running your own business can be a rewarding experience. But as every entrepreneur knows, when times are tough they can be really tough. That’s why, whether you have one employee or several, one of the most valuable roles you can play to keep your business on track is that of a motivational leader.

To get you started, we’re sharing some strategies to help keep you and your employees engaged and motivated through the ups and downs of the business world.

It’s a Matter of Perspective

In business, like in life, when things don’t go as planned, minor problems can feel like major hurdles ― particularly when your attention is split between every aspect of your business. When that happens, take a step back to regain perspective.

Picturing your business as a whole lets you determine where your attention is required the most. This distance lets you identify and tend to issues that matter, and deprioritize trivial concerns. This will not only help keep your objectives in sight but, by regaining a sense of control over your business, you’ll become a more effective leader too.

A SMART Way of Setting Goals
The relationship between goal setting and motivation cannot be overstated. Poorly-planned, vague goals will almost certainly lower staff morale and engagement.Using the SMART technique ensures that your objectives will be as effective as possible. That means setting goals that are; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based.

Motivate Yourself to Motivate Others
Even the most well-defined goal will be difficult to attain if motivation is low. The company's culture and working atmosphere must be positive in order to keep productivity high. But keeping staff inspired goes beyond just projecting your own positive attitude and hoping it catches on.

Tap into what drives your employees. That way you can assign the right tasks to the right people to keep them engaged and productive. All too often, busy entrepreneurs tell staff what to do and walk away. Invest time to explain why the tasks you’re assigning matter, and ask for staff input, too. This encourages them to buy in to your business’ mission. Plus, people are more likely to be enthusiastic about their work when they know that it’s meaningful.

A Little Recognition Goes a Long Way
Everyone responds positively when their work is recognized, even if it’s just a pat on the back. So don’t let it go unnoticed when your employees do a good job. You’ll boost morale and lower turnover.

Of course, it’s not always about money, but if you can afford it, a benefit and reward scheme that matches your company culture can help keep employees happy and motivated too. After all, the ability to keep others enthusiastic about your business, during good and bad times, is the sign of an exceptional entrepreneur.

Discover more motivational strategies to keep your business venture focused and on track. Join YES on Facebook or contact us with questions or comments at or by phone 514-878-9788 or 1-888-614-9788 and visit us at