The Canadian Transportation Safety Board estimates that there are 160,000 car accidents occurring each year in Canada and that 2,800 to 2,900 result in deaths. There are many ways to reduce car accidents from occurring and there are several causes of car accidents. A lot of people nowadays get distracted by their phones while driving and sometimes get into an accident because they weren’t focused on the road.

One of the most common causes of occurring accidents is texting while driving, which is a very dangerous habit that most people have. Although sending or reading a text causes drivers to take their eyes off the road for five seconds, it is similar to driving blindfolded. Everyone is aware of the severe consequences of using their phone while driving, yet no one seems to be able to avoid this problem. The reason for this is that people are too addicted to their phones and what the technological world has to offer. This increases the chances of crashing by 23 times. In 2015, Canada experienced 311 deaths and 31,923 injuries caused by drivers not paying attention to the road.

Car accidents also happen very often in the rain because water creates a dangerous surface, often causing cars and other vehicles to spin out of control or slide while braking. In this case, you have to drive extra carefully while it rains. During the wintertime when there is a lot of snow, drivers must take similar precautions as when it rains.

Driving under the influence of alcohol causes car accidents every day. When someone is drunk driving, they lose the ability to focus and it is very dangerous. Every day, on average, up to four Canadians are killed and many more are injured in alcohol-related crashes on public roads.

Traveling above the speed limit is a common occurrence among drivers because of several reasons. The adrenaline caused by speeding and the rush to avoid traffic to arrive on time to a specific location are few of the reasons. At the time of making the decision to either speed up or not, the dangers may not be obvious, which is why car accidents occur. While speeding, reaction time will be slower, there is a higher risk of losing control over the vehicle, field of vision will be reduced and the greater the braking distance will be. To avoid speeding, one can insert signs to remind people to slow down and install machines that show the speed of the driver. Many drivers ignore the speed limit and drive up to thirty mph over the limit and they don't see a car coming and accidentally crash

There are many more causes of car accidents than just texting and driving. Speeding, drunk driving, and rain or snow are also causes. People should pay close attention to the road and not get distracted by their phones or anything else. If one drank alcohol, they should wait a couple of hours before driving. This could reduce the effects of alcohol. Also, drive extra carefully when it is snowing or raining by slowing down and leaving more space between your car and other cars. If there is a circumstance that requires braking suddenly, the car could slide and crash if there is a lack of space. The probability of car accidents could decrease if everyone tries to practice safe driving.