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Trades and Apprenticeship: Hands On Learning | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Trades and Apprenticeship: Hands On Learning
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Some people grow up knowing exactly who they are and who they want to be, but most people...

Civic Duty: Involving Youth Groups | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Civic Duty: Involving Youth Groups
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

What is Civic Duty?Many people use the words ‘civic duty’ and ‘volunteerism’ interchangeably. They are not necessarily the same thing. Civic duty is defined as “actions...

The State of Youth – In Their Own Words | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine The State of Youth – In Their Own Words
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

The first state of youth report, released in 2021, has been compiled based on the priorities of youth across Canada. A sample size of 1000 youth surveyed and participat...

TikTok Trends: The Good and the Bad | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine TikTok Trends: The Good and the Bad
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Do You TikTok?I’ll admit it. As an adult, I do enjoy going on TikTok and mindlessly streaming through content that I enjoy. The algorithm is so accurate, that I get the...

Time Management Tips for Teens & Young Adults | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Time Management Tips for Teens & Young Adults
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

Time management isn’t easy for teens and adults; however, there are ways to improve time ...

How Today’s Kids May Occupy the Workforce of Tomorrow | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine How Today’s Kids May Occupy the Workforce of Tomorrow
Alexander   SciolaBY:

The most educated generation is gearing up for the future. Over the last two decades, th...

Shifting Trends in Employment | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Shifting Trends in Employment
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

The shift in employment trends has been to remote work for administrative jobs. Overall, there has been an increase in demand for healthcare jobs. Finding a job or sta...

Implications of the Pandemic on Teens | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Implications of the Pandemic on Teens
Tina   QuintanillaBY:

There is no doubt that teens have felt the impacts of the pandemic, challenging their social and mental welfare due to the lack of physical interactions and disrupted r...

Maişonş de Jeuneş, More Eşşential than Ever | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Maisons de Jeunes, More Essential than Ever
Isabelle-Anne    BelangerBY:

The pandemic has affected all of us, but some, more than others, have been left unattende...

Attention Boomerş, The Zoomerş Are Here | Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine Attention Boomers, The Zoomers Are Here
Alexander   SciolaBY:

For better or worse, I am a member of Generation Z. The selfies, Snapchats and Tik Toks: been there, done that. And, while many stereotypes about our technology-obsesse...

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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
Articles ~e 105,7 Rythme FM 4 chemins Annual Teacher Appreciation Contest Appui Laval Arts & Culture Ballet Eddy Toussaint Camps THIS ISSUE MORE...
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Laval Families Magazine | Laval's Family Life Magazine | First English publication in Laval offering inspiring articles on Family, Education, Community of Laval & more for family in Laval Quebec
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