Retirement is not only the finish line for a lengthy career but rather the beacon of light to a lifetime filled of new beginnings, endless travel and plenty of possibilities, but there are some retirees that face this time as an impending deadline to “Now what?” Some people live their whole lives defined by their title or their career. Hence, their career depicts who they are. Consulting often becomes an option for those who don’t want to retire. Consulting is the secret to preserving your career identity and can be an option for those seeking flexibility upon retirement.

Satu, a retiree travelling to Finland, wanted to continue working to feel purposeful. She hadn’t the faintest idea on how to continue working during retirement, only that she wanted to continue. She did lay out her conditions to her previous employer. The difference is that the people who choose to continue working past retirement for non-financial reasons do so because they feel that they can make a difference through their work. “I will work as long as it is fun, and I feel that I am making a meaningful contribution without sacrificing my freedom to travel,” she affirms.

Experience cannot be established overnight. A consultant is often sought out for their valuable experience and knowledge in a certain industry. Pierre Arcand is a coach for small to medium-sized businesses, offering consulting to baby boomers transitioning their business to the next generation and succession planning. He was not satisfied by a life of planting flowers or slowing down. He was hungry for a challenge, so he ended up becoming a full-time consultant for an ex-colleague. Here, he provides some insight to those who wish to continue working during retirement. In order to not over-commit or feel overwhelmed by the amount of work, it’s essential to ask yourself some important questions to find out what you really want. “For the next 4 years I helped a colleague re-start his engineering company. This was supposed to be a part-time job, but it became a full-time commitment that I was not looking for,” says Arcand. “So, at 67, I took my second retirement. This time I asked myself; What do I absolutely love to do? What do I do really well? And what attributes or skills have led to my success in the past? I realized that helping people get the best of themselves is my specialty.”

Working during retirement is not a sacrifice if it’s for personal growth. In fact, it may also help a person feel younger longer. As the world sits still and one enters retirement, it can seem overwhelming at first. Sometimes getting back to work may help the days go by and keep you busy. An active retirement doesn’t only mean hobbies and vacations. The beauty of life is fueled by passion and purpose and retirement doesn’t mean slowing down and stopping what you love to do, but rather finding a way to do what you love and more of it.