Is your family overloaded with sugar and chocolate lately? Here are a few ways to help transition back to healthy eating for the whole family.

Firstly, take a good look through the pantry and refrigerator. Clear out all expired items and junky foods. Re-arrange bulk items, boxed goods, and cans. Designate each shelf in the fridge for different items. For example, one shelf will be for all the fruit, and another shelf will be for vegetables. If you are keeping some junky snacks for occasional consumption, try to place it in the back of the cupboard so it’s not as visible as the healthier options.

Create a space or basket in the pantry with healthier snacks that is easily accessible for children. For example, put dried fruits or nuts into mason jars, or prepare baggies with popcorn or rice chips. In the fridge, cut up and place veggies and fruit in containers where everyone can see. Create a basket or drawer with healthy cold items like yogurt, cheeses, applesauce and fruit cups. An organized and tidy fridge or pantry is always inspiring when it comes to meal planning. Also, it helps facilitate the cooking process when you know where everything is.

Secondly, involve the whole family in grocery shopping and meal planning. Encourage children to try different kinds of food. Including everyone will develop long-lasting healthy food choices. Children are more likely to eat the foods they chose than not. Try hosting different themed suppers. For example, make Mondays Mexican night or Italian Spaghetti Sundays. Try going meatless once a week. Involve everyone to research the recipes, buy the ingredients and help to cook it all. Make the table fancy by using cloth napkins, candles and playing festive music. Make sure to carve out the time where the whole family is sitting down together to eat. No electronics, no TV. Openly discuss the flavors, cultures and history of the recipes.

Thirdly, make the changes gradually.  Aim to slowly incorporate new foods into the diet.  Try to revamp a family favorite recipe by using healthier options. For example, instead of using ground beef, opt for lentils in shepherd’s pie.  Try blending all sorts of vegetables that your family would not normally eat in the pasta sauce. Save one night of the week for a junk-food themed night. If you have a lot of chocolate left over, freeze it to make a chocolate fondu with fruit in the future. This way, the family is still getting that chocolate fix but with healthy fruit.  Opt to make your own pizza instead of ordering it. The choices are endless and much healthier. The family will love decorating big pizzas or making their own individual pizzas.

Healthy eating as a family will help encourage everyone to stay on track and will provide the young ones with life-lasting memories made right in the heart of the home, the kitchen.